Clica na imagem para uma foto com melhor qualidade:) Santana’s Typical Houses Santana’s typical houses are one of Madeira’s biggest signatures. Spread in numerous promotional posters throughout the world. We estimate that these small-thatched triangular houses, built of wood and thatched with straw, are trace of primitive constructions. As being one of Madeira’s most abundant natural resources, it was easy to find and not expensive. Cereals, such as corn and rye were part of the population daily menu. They were turned to flour, and afterwards to bread and home-made pasta or noodles. The straw was then put to use to cover the houses. These houses belong essentially to humble people, mainly agricultures with no means to purchase more noble building materials. In former times, this type of construction was spread around the island. Despite of the covering being made simply of straw, it’s sharp angle of inclination forces rain to drain, preventing it from soaking in, ensuring it is i...